Rehab Integration
Using the foundations of strength, recovering athletes will move within the foundational athletic movement patterns at varying loads and speeds in order to prepare the athlete to return to their sport.
As the athlete moves into the final phase of the continuum, the athlete's program will become more specific to the demands of their sport. The sport will have unique demands on multiple bodily systems, ranging from the cardiovascular system to the energy system requirements of each sport.
There will also be sport and position specific skills and motor patterns that the athlete will need to exude competency in before they return to competition.
Pain as a result of injury can affect movement and can lead to an athlete favoring the non-injured side long after acute symptoms are no longer present.
As an athletes is recovering from an injury, achieves full physical function, and begins sports specific drills, it is now time to determine a return to competition timeline.
3 step return-to-competition plan