Youth Athletic Development
Long-term athletic development programs should accommodate for the highly individualized and non-linear nature of the growth and development of youth.
Youth of all ages, abilities, and aspirations should engage in long-term athletic development programs that promote both physical fitness and psychosocial wellbeing.
All youth should be encouraged to enhance physical fitness from early childhood, with a primary focus on motor skill and muscular strength development.
The health and wellbeing of the youth athlete should always be the central component of long-term athletic development program.
The youth athlete should participate in physical activities that help reduce the risk of injury to ensure their on-going participation in sport.
The youth athlete will be provided with a range of training modes to enhance both health and skill related components of fitness.
The youth athlete will be consistently monitored an assessed using relevant tools as a part of a long term physical development strategy.
The program of the youth athlete will be individualized, systematically, and pedagogically progressed for successful short and long term athletic development.